Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Welcome to Beauty, Fashion, Drama!

Today I would like to dedicate this post to introduce you to this new project: my blog Beauty, Fashion, Drama! There are many reasons why I decided I wanted to start blogging. I am yet another makeup and beauty junkie and I've always enjoyed good blogs and YT channels from beauty gurus. The main reason though, is that I realized I wanted to share whatever knowledge I have in some beauty, fashion and health areas. Hopefully, what I share on this blog will be useful, interesting and/or simply entertaining for you.

Here, you will find posts under a variety of topics, the main ones being, of course, the ones mentioned in the name of the blog. For the Beauty section there will be reviews, first impressions and lots of tips, among others. In terms of Fashion, you will find OOTDs, styling ideas, tips to enhance your type of body with trendy items, etc. 
Now, you are probably wondering... Then what about the Drama! section? What is that referring to? I decided to add drama as the third main category for the blog for several reasons. The fact that I’m currently majoring in theater may have a lot to do with it, but the real reason is that ever since I was little I always considered my life to be filled with drama, and opposite to what a lot of you might be thinking as you read, this is not a bad thing. I love drama. Drama doesn’t mean tragedy. If we get a little academic and take the word drama for its etymology, drama is to act or to do, so in other words, drama means action.  I am the kind of person who feeds from a good dose of stress and chaos. I love handling difficult or complicated situations. I love organizing and I try to be as productive as possible. For all of these reasons, for me the drama in my life includes travelling and packing, college life, my work, spiritual and emotional processes that I go through and of course experiences in all art forms present in my daily life, to name just a few. So, what to expect from the Drama! section? Lots of organization and cleaning tips, travelling and packing related posts and of course I will share experiences and findings in terms of health, fitness, artistic development and just my day to day dose of healthy stress.
I want BFD (Beauty, Fashion, Drama!) to become a place where people feel like they can find answers, guides, useful tips and posts about experiences they identify with and learn from. Because of this, I would really appreciate it if you could open up with me and request things you can’t really find in other blogs or YouTube channels but that you would love to read about. Any questions, comments, requests, suggestions and opinions are more than welcome in the comment section below or on a 24/7 schedule via Twitter:
Thank you for taking the time to read and I hope you will stay around for new blogposts coming very very soon!

Have a wonderful day/night, everyone!


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